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Crane cabin struck by load
Crane was off loading sand blasting skip from the trailer bed. Four wire rope slings were used to lift the skip by attaching onto the loading hitches. One of the slings became caught on the corner of the skip - this was not noticed by the Foreman or Crane Operator. The load swung towards the crane owing to the uneven sling length. To rectify the situation the Crane Operator was instructed to lower the skip back on the trailer bed. Whilst lowering the skip it swung and struck the crane cab window.
It is the responsibility of the Banksman and Crane Operator to ensure that the load being lifted is free of any obstruction Lifting Pad Eyes must be inspected and marked with SWL.
Failure to Follow Procedures the banksman failed to ensure that the slings were clear of obstructions before commencing lifting. Failure in communication The crane operator did not confirm with banksman about the integrity of the load Inadequate Inspection Pad eyes were available on the skip for lifting, however these had no indication of SWL and current colour code.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety