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Road Traffic Near Miss
Logging truck/crew departed from WA Qarn Alam base to Rig 28 on 15/02/01 @ 11:30 hours. The truck/crew arrived at the rig site @ 19:46 hrs, 1 1/4 hours late against the journey plan. The delay involved an hour driving on the graded road from Marmul to Rahab ( 40Km).
Use PDO Journey Management Map information as guideline to calculate Journey distance / time. Allow extra "break" time in journey plan (minimum15 minutes every 2 hrs of driving). Assure that Journey plan is calculated strictly to avoid night driving. STOP, report in time to Journey manager in case of potential night driving due to delay/ break down of vehicle(s).
Information error/omission. Crew departed 40 minutes late against the journey plan. Crew took 15 minutes additional break against the journey plan. Inadequate planning. Distance Qarn Alam - Rahab was taken from Drive Right Monitor as opposed to PDO Journey Management Map.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety