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Injury while Nippling Up Koomey Bottle
The job of nippling up koomey accumulator bottles to the manifold was in progress by using a webbing sling and the crane to lift each bottle. While aligning one bottle to the nipple of the manifold, the bottle dislodged from the nipple , came out from the U-clamp and fell down through the flooring. One floorman , who was holding the bottle for screwing into the nipple, received crush injury to his right hand.
Correct Manual Handling is essential to prevent accident. Shortcuts must NOT be attempted.
Improper Manual Handling / for attempting to screw the unsecured bottle to the manifold. Failure to follow procedure/ by removing the webbing sling before the bottle was screwed into the nipple. Failure in Communication / as the injured parties and the Supervisor (Driller) did not discuss if it was safe to remove the sling for releasing the crane. Inadequate Supervision / for not ensuring safe completion of the job with adequate controls ( eg. Job Safety Plan with PTW)

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety