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Seatbelts in buses
2 recent bus incidents: 13 fatalities & 37 injured. In the first incident, an Arabian Drilling Company (ADC - JV with Schlumberger) bus collided with a 3rd-party trailer, leading to 11 fatalities and 9 seriously injured. The trailer driver had worked over 24 hours without rest, not all passengers used seatbelts, Journey Management was not applied and the Emergency Response Plan was not adequate. In the second incident, an SPDC seismic contractor truck conveying 30 staff collided head on with a 3rd-party truck, which was overtaking a minibus at high speed. Two staff in the front seat of the passenger department died, one was seriously injured and 5 had broken jaws, mostly due to striking the low-back seat in front. All passengers used seatbelts, IVMS showed adherence to the speed limit, the driver drove defensively, and emergency response was professional.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety