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ROP Law Reminder - Traffic violations

Reminder to All Staff,

Traffic violations

Please note below that the Royal Oman Police is now working to more strictly enforce regulations with regards to traffic violations, including red-light violations. The consequences for being stopped for such a violation are, by U.S. standards, severe.

For example, red-light violations carry a mandatory and non-bailable detention period of 48 hours, followed by confiscation of driver"s license, vehicle registration, and car registration plate until the Omani judicial process is concluded, a period that might be as long as several months.

Other common traffic violations that carry strict penalties, up to and including jail sentences, fines, and/or deportation include:

Driving without a valid license, Driving under the influence of alcohol, Remember there is a zero tolerance rule enforced by the ROP, Non-use of seat belt, Talking on cellular telephones (other than hands-free) while driving, and violating traffic laws in a reckless manner, such as excessive speeding, overtaking, and screeching of car tires.

In the event of a traffic violation and fine, all staff is strongly encouraged to cooperate with police officers and not attempt to negotiate payment at the traffic stop.

Effective June 1, 2007, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) introduced new procedures for minor Road

Traffic Accidents (RTA) to reduce traffic jams. According to the ROP, the new procedure is currently in force in the Governorate of Muscat area and will eventually be implemented in the other governorates and regions of the Sultanate. All staff is advised to familiarize themselves with the new procedures available on the ROP website at under "Minor Road Traffic Accidents."

Note: Minor Road Traffic Accidents are defined as those causing minor damage to one or more vehicles, but with no in injuries, deaths, or material damage to public/private properties. Parties involved in minor RTAs should immediately move their vehicles to the side of the road. Any staff accidents outside of the Muscat area are advised not to move their vehicles from the accident location until the ROP gives them the permission; moving a vehicle may be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

All Supervisors are requested to cascade the message to their staff

Best Regards,

Corporate Road Safety Department - MSE/15

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety
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