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FIM Online Training Notification

This is further to the communication in April -09 on the existing Fountain Incident Management (FIM) training modules. These modules can be accessed through the Shell Open University (OU) and are free of charge to PDO Users.

The two modules available are:

  • a) Module A: Basic introduction on how to enter a first report (CBT A: First Report-computer based training)
  • b) Module B: A more detailed training session (CBT B: Incident).
  • Please follow the instructions in the attached presentation to register and launch these Shell OU courses. You need to complete the Module A before commencing the next.

    Please run the presentation in slide show mode so that the link on the first page is activated and will guide you on how to log onto the Shell OU, register for and select the correct FIM courses. You may use the slides alongside the internet link to guide you through the process.

    For any assistance during the process, you may call the FIM helpdesk at 75599

    Click below to download FIM SOU Guidance

    Category:HSE TrainingDocument Type:General