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Revised SP 1259 (Safety Training Observation Programme (STOP)) version 3

A review of Safety Training Observation Program (STOP) Specification 1259 is completed and the revised document is now accessible through:-

PDO Livelink or HSE website : HSE Specification - Safety Training Observation Programme (STOP)

For contractors via this link -

STOP is a behaviour based observation program that enhances positive safety attitudes and stimulates an improved safety culture. STOP builds on positive behavior, corrects undesired behavior and helps to identify unsafe conditions. This results in the prevention of an injury or an incident.

STOP specification 1259 is intended to provide a clear guidance for all participants in STOP and it applies to all PDO employees and to all contractors. All PDO and Contractor staff should use this document as their primary reference to STOP.

The updates include the following:

  • Clarity on PDO STOP methodology (who should intervene and how)
  • Explain what tools are available for both PDO and contractors
  • Step by step explanation on how to use these tools
  • Requirement for scheduling line leaders to carry out STOP visits
  • Requirement for focal points to do data analysis and feed back in the monthly HSE meeting and the required action
  • Requirement to conduct STOP compliance audits by focal points and corporate STOP champion.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Safety
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