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SP2000 Road Safety Verification Audit 2010

PDO updated the SP2000 Road Safety specification 12 months ago, and all PDO departments and contractors should by now have introduced the changes required.

The PDO HS&E strategy for 2010 includes a verification that the changes have been made within the contractor community and so PDO heads and Contract Holders who manage operations or contracts which involve driving are required to conduct an audit of the SP2000 compliance by the end of Q3 2010.

A short audit document is provided which only looks at the changes and the key issues contained within SP2000 to make the audit simple and easy.

Can you please arrange to conduct the SP2000 change audit of your section/contractor and post your results to MSE13 by the end of September 2010 copying in your HSE Team Leaders.

Kind regards

SP2000 Change Audit document

Chris Evans

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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