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Pyrophoric Sludge Contamination

Learning points:

  • Pyrophoric iron sulphide can be formed on the internal surfaces of carbon steel equipment carrying fluids containing H2S. Iron oxide (corrosion) present on the internal surfaces will react with the H2S and form pyrophoric iron sulphide which, on exposure to air will auto-ignite.
  • Pyrophoric material can accumulate in for example pig receivers, spheres, filters, production vessels, pipelines, wire line lubricators, and also in storage tanks, vent and flare systems.
  • HSSE & SP Control Framework (EP95-0317) recommends : Any equipment constructed of carbon steel, which is in contact with sour hydrocarbons should be treated as if it contains pyrophoric iron sulphide.
  • Requirements for handling and disposing off pyrophoric material can be found in PR-1077 sec 2.5. Keep pyrophoric materials wet all the time
  • Engineering options as listed in SP-1190 should be considered to prevent Pyrophoric iron sulphide to form.

Recommended Actions:

Discuss this alert in toolbox talks and HSE meetings and

  • Distribute to all contractors
  • Post on HSE notice boards
  • Include in site HSE induction

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety