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2019 Second Alert HiPo#19 MVI RO
The driver was proceeding from Camp in a Pickup towards East RMS. At approx. 14:18 hrs driver entered in to a barricaded newly constructed asphalt road (segment 1 of asphalt road from Yibal to YKP) which was yet to be opened for road users. As there were road blockades the driver decided to take the left shoulder to by pass them . While he was trying to re-enter to the black top, he over steered to the right and lost control resulting in a “S” pattern on the asphalt road and rolled over on the right side shoulder.
Do not use any unapproved roads. Obey signage and barricades provided. Reduce speed while changing from different road conditions (Tarmac to Graded Roads). Maintain correct posture and seating position while driving. Over speeding contributes to accidents . Do not use unapproved Roads

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety