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2020 2nd alert LTI#15 (Released Energy) The flow line swung and hit the RA in his hand and fell down
On 15th of July at 16:00 hrs; A Roustabout was standing on the pipe ram BOP at a height of 1.57 m shaking the flexible hose joint of the flowline (suspended by 2 web slings on a crane) in an attempt to slide the flowline out of the vent line connection on the shaker tank. The flowline came out from the vent line end and swung in the direction of the Roustabout, who lost his balance while trying to avoid it and fell down approx. 0.5 m, His fall was arrested by the fall arrester connected to his full body harness. He sustained fracture on his left hand little finger when he was struck by the wing nut of the flowline connection against the annular BOP body.
Always ensure to use approved Work Platforms or Mobile Elevated Work Platforms to work on BOP stack ( at height). If face any problem, always ensure to Re-assess the task and effective controls to continue safely. Always ensure to use Management of Change (including TRIC) process effectively to assure all new hazards identified and risks mitigated. Always ensure to INTERVENE & STOP the activity if you feel unsafe situation. Always ensure to use alternate methods to keep personnel safe from the line of fire and recorded in JSA / SOP.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety