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2021 2nd Alert LTI01 Helper lost balance and fell from truck bed
On 02nd Jan 2021, at around 11:15 Hrs. Operation was General Rig move from old location to new location which the destination was 1.7 km. Operations was moving ambulance shade frame from to new location using ASM flat-bed truck. Helper climbed on the top of the trailer to unsecure / release the load. IP was required to be inside of the frame to perform this task. After completing the removal of the chains and boomers, one weld on a beam of the frame resting on the truck deck failed from the passenger side of the truck bed. This resulted in a weight shift and allowed the frame to come / roll off of the truck bed (driver’s side). While the frame was moving the IP (still on truck bed) lost his balance on the edge of the truck bed and fell to the ground from 1.6 m height on the driver’s side, landed on his right hand. The IP reported to the Rig Medic and received first aid treatment whom referred to him to Ibri hospital for x ray. IP had an ortho doctor consultation in Ibri hospital, after the medical evaluation diagnosed with fractured wrist
Always ensure load are secured from the ground. Ensure review of the JSA and mitigate the need to work from truck bed Ensure engagement of sub contractors in adhering the BBS program Ensure adequate supervision always on location Always secure the load from the ground

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety