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2021 2nd Alert LTI10 Scaffolder finger crushed between beam clamps
Two scaffolders were engaged in modifying a scaffolding platform attached to a pipe rack structural stairway area. The scaffolder-1 removed the middle rail pipe and was removing the beam clamp of the mid rail. While removing the mid rail beam clamp, top rail beam clamp with tube slipped from its position through the vertical beam causing the scaffolder-1’s left ring finger tip crushed between the clamps.
Always ensure that beam clamps on scaffolding are used/installed in pairs Always ensure that standard scaffolding erection and dismantling procedures are followed Always ensure your hands and fingers are away from line of fire. Identify all possible hazards and dropping objects before starting a task Always ensure hazards & controls pertaining to the task is discussed in TBT. Always ensure communication and coordination while working in a team Always intervene to stop unsafe acts/condition. Always use scaffold beam clamps in pair

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety