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2021 2nd Alert LTI18 while the pipe fitter was attempting to move the pipes to a wooden skid, it slipped and fell hitting his pelvis
On 08-08-2021 around 8:50 Hrs, A mechanical crew were shifting the pipes on the wooden skids after completion of welding. After complete shifting of one portion they moved another. While shifting it on the wooden skid, tripod jack got unbalanced and started to fall one by one. Pipe hit left side of the hip of fitter who was doing buffing activity inside welding booth. Resulted fracture injury on his LT pelvis
Always adhere with procedures and method statements. Always ensure to use H Beam support while performing welding activity. Always ensure the lifting area is free and barricaded. Always establish proper communication between team members. Ensure to comply to PDO Golden Rules (Comply, Intervene and Respect). Always ensure not to keep the pipes on jacks for long length. Don’t do shortcuts, comply with procedures

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety