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2021 2nd Alert HiPo11 JCB rolled into workers
A backhoe loader operator turned off the engine while in motion after entering access road approaching the worksite. On his way, he realised that the pedal brake of the equipment became ineffective. He waved hand to alert the crew being assembled for TBT, and applied hand brake to stop the equipment. However, backhoe bucket slowly came in contact with three employees leading to minor abrasion on their legs. Investigation revealed that the pedal brake was ineffective due to failure of the accumulator under engine off condition.
Always ensure that the equipment is not brought inside the live facility unless it is required to carry the specified task. Always park the equipment at the designated parking place. Always ensure that the engine is not switched off while the equipment is in motion / operation. Always check and pay attention to the warning signs appearing on the dashboard and do not use the equipment until the defects are rectified. Always select a safe location for conducting TBT away from hazards like Line of Fire. Always ensure full compliance with the vehicle access permit – Permit Holder to accompany the equipment all time when it is in the station.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety