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2021 2nd Alert HiPo30 Floorman got hit by power tong
On 30th May, 2021 at 19:56 hrs; the operation was POOH RBP running tool with 3.5” DP’s string to derrick. During breaking out connection of DP stand No. 5 by the power tong, the Floorman picked up the power tong hydraulically, and rotated the power tong to the left side to grip the connection with make- up jaws before applying extra torque to break out the joint. While the jaws dies gripped the joint, the power tong suddenly spun towards the opposite side and impacted the Floorman on his lower chest which caused him to fall down on the rig floor
Always ensure that the TBT and JSA are discussed in detail and LFI/mitigation measures from risk registers are reviewed with the team. Always ensure to rotate make-up jaws slowly and carefully until it grips the connection to avoid sudden spins also ensure to engage back-up jaws before break-out connection. Always ensure to engage low gear on the power tong during breakout. Always ensure the power tong is used with a correct length of snub line. Always ensure to use the stiff arm when available. Always ensure that intervention and stop work authority is enforced to stop work from continuing when deemed unsafe. Always ensure effective supervision is in place.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety