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2023 First Alert LTI#15 Chemical Burn
What Happened: While the Roustabout was mixing Calcium Chloride on the mixing hopper, a solid piece of calcium chloride blocked the suction of the hopper . As the Roustabout decided to use the water hose to dilute the solid piece, the water overflowed out of the hopper and spilled onto his left bottom leg and his foot resulting in a burn injury at his left leg foot Initial Findings: -Roustabout was wearing a coverall inside the rubber boots -Water was used to dissolve the block of CaCl2 inside the hopper which overflowed. -Job Safety Analysis did not highlight the usage of hand tool (shovel) to break down blocks of salt -The event was not reported as required.
-How do you ensure you understand all chemical hazards related to your activity? -When condition changes, do you stop the activity and dynamically risk assess before proceeding? -How do you ensure the work is effectively supervised ? -Do you ensure all incidents are reported as required?

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety