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2022 2nd Alert Hipo#39 Pickup collided with the rear of a cement mixer truck.
On 1st June 2022 at 10:06 am, light vehicle driver was traveling from Nizwa base to Burhan (167 km ARA Rig-1) using government blacktop road. While reaching Zahiya, he collided with a rear structure of a moving cement mixer truck moving on the same direction. Incident resulted in damage to the light vehicle, minor damage to the truck and no injury to driver after assessment from medical team.
Ensure sleep apnea is performed for any BMI higher than 30 Always follow defensive driving techniques Eliminate any distraction factor while driving. Always scan the road while driving to identify any hazard. Never get distracted while driving.
Driver was distracted by micro sleep or other factors Driver’s BMI was higher than 30 where sleep apnea was not conducted Driver failed to stay alerted while driving Driver failed to scan the road while driving Driver failed to keep safe distance with front moving truck. Driver failed to follow defensive driving techniques.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety