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Pulling Tubing - falling object
Whilst pulling joints of 5 1/2¿ tubing, the AD could not stop the single joint elevator in time, when it approached the collar, resulting in its attempt to lift the remainder of the string.

The tension in the compensator assembly broke the connection between the piston rod and the compensator piston (screwed connection). The piston rod together with the tri-pod fell down and hit the side of the spider elevator. On impact the safety split pin from the hinge pin sheared. This resulted in a disconnection of the shackle and piston rod. The piston rod and the shackle weighing 3 kg. fell down on the rig floor from a height of about 13 m.

Rig Team should be made familiar with the relevant operating procedures for the equipment, before starting the operation.
Overloading the compensator assembly, Use of unfamiliar equipment by the rig team, Tool box talk not repeated during shift handovers

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety