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High Potential RTA - Rollover
On 10th August 2002, as the driver of a subcontracted truck used for delivering products was returning to Muscat on the Barik ¿ Saih Rawl road, he lost control of the vehicle, veered off the road, and rolled over. The vehicle landed right side up facing in the opposite direction. Both the driver and unauthorised passenger were able to come out of the vehicle by themselves, sustaining minor injuries. No other vehicles were involved.
  • Use only PDO approved vehicles, supplied by PDO approved transport companies for transportation of goods and services.
  • Ensure adequate controls in place to manage sub-contracted activities.
  • Journey managers must be aware and clearly understand the requirements of Safe Journey Management Plan.
  • Use of non-approved vehicle for transportation, and no RAS inspection.
  • Use of non-approved transportation company (not familiar with PDO procedures) for transportation services.
  • Ineffective management of sub-contracted activities.
  • Deficient Safe Journey Management Plan

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety