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Martin¿s Story
In Martin"s Story, we hear from Martin, his family and his work colleagues about how his accident at work has affected them. The story has been put together for Step Change in Safety to help people think about how a simple accident could affect them, their family and their friends. Martin was relatively new to the Offshore Oil and Gas industry when he had his hand crushed on the drill floor. Martin describes his accident and the permanent effect it has had on both the big and small things in his life. He is no longer doing his old job, he will not be able to fulfil his ambition to learn to play the guitar and he can no longer be called up as a reserve soldier. Our intent is that the story be used to trigger a conversation in a small group about how a similar accident would affect themselves and their families and how it would feel as a supervisor or colleague to know that you could have prevented it. We suggest the conversation is steered by asking each person to write down the answers to a few questions working alone before sharing their thoughts amongst the group. Each could be asked to:
  • Describe what they saw on the video
  • Identify who in their life would receive the phone call from work
  • How would the phone call affect them
  • List the work, hobbies, social activities and relationships in their own life that would be affected by a similar accident.

The group should then be encouraged to share their responses and thoughts. The film was created by GlobalSanteFe as part of Step Change in Safety"s strategy to improve how we all identify, understand and deal with hazards in our industry.

Category:VideosDocument Type:Safety