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Revised Procedure - PR-1418-Incident Notification, Analysis, Reporting and Follow-Up

Revised Procedures

The following procedures have been reviewed, revised and posted to CMF. This is part of the required Review Process for this documentation.

PR-1418-Incident Notification, Analysis, Reporting and Follow-Up

The purpose of this procedure is to detail the steps necessary to ensure that all incidents are recorded, classified, notified, analysed and reported.

Significant Changes in the revision:

Contractor Incidents shall be led by Contractor CEO/Equivalent with a PDO team member. RAM ¿ with description of severity Level 2 notification is replaced with Action Alert & Level 3 is replaced with the SIR Briefing Note

GU612 - Incident Investigation, Analysis and Reporting

GU612 replaces the PR1418 Part II and III. The purpose of this guideline is to detail the steps necessary to ensure that Incident Investigation, Analysis and Reporting are as per standard definitions, templates. This Guideline also refers to the ToR for IRC.

The Procedures can be accessed from the CMF Business Control Portal and for contractors thru the HSE for Contractors website HSE Documents

Link to PR-1418

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