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Advisory Note : Road Safety Enforcement

Please be advised that the Road Safety Standard Enforcement Teams have now taken delivery of their high specification laser speed cameras which will become operational with immediate affect. These cameras have a range of up to 2km with zoom capability for both video and photographs capable of recording people speeding, not wearing seatbelts or using a mobile phone whilst driving. They can also be operated from inside of the enforcement vehicle and are highly accurate.

The road safety enforcement will take place daily in the MAF, RAH and concession area. The cameras will be used to monitor compliance of PDO staff, contractors and visitors to the PDO road safety rules.

If requested to pull your vehicle over to the roadside by the enforcement team you are required to do so immediately and park in a safe place. Any driver who chooses not to stop will be identified and additional action taken against them.

We want to keep the roads safe for our employees and contractors; the enforcement teams are there to help PDO achieve this for you. The road safety consequence matrix and management process will apply to all offenders caught infringing these rules through the PDO Road Safety Department, the appropriate directorates and Contract Holders.

Chris Evans (MSE/15)

Senior Corp. Road Safety Advisor

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety
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