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Major Changes To Mandated HSE Training

As a result of the Work Site Hazards Project, many important changes have been made to the compulsory and mandatory HSE Training courses contained in SP 1157 HSE Training Specification. The changes will affect the majority of PDO and Contractor staff who need to attend HSE training courses.

  • All new hires must attend the new 1 day HSE Induction course available from all of PDO¿s Approved Training Providers. This is the first part of the newly introduced core HSE Learning Ladder ¿ a series of compulsory HSE courses that are progress trainees quickly towards core HSE competency.
  • For staff meeting the appropriate criteria, De-selection and Step-Out arrangements for HSE courses have been detailed in a document setting out the principal changes, to HSE courses and arrangements, accessed through a link entitled `Important Notice No 1" on PDO"s main HSE Training web page for contractors.
  • All staff having a supervisory role, whether first line supervisors, managers, senior managers or executives, must train or re-train (if they have already attended HSE for Supervisors) on the new Safety Leadership course appropriate to their role. 50% of these staff are required to be retrained before 31st December 2009.

A notice containing interim details has been published and is accessed via selecting a document link entitled `Important Notice No1" on the HSE Training web page. All contractor staff responsible for planning HSE training are encouraged to make themselves familiar with the content of this notice as soon as possible, whilst the publication of SP 1157 version 7 is completed.

Contract Holders should ensure their contractors are also made familiar with the document, which is accessible electronically from the `Important Notice No1" link on the page accessible to contractors from the external internet.

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