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Defensive Driving Training in automatic cars

It has come to our attention that there is a need for a small number of PDO staff to take their defensive driving courses in automatic cars due to them only having an automatic licence.

Staff can book courses with TATI for the two day blacktop courses in an automatic vehicle but please advise TATI when booking that an automatic vehicle is required.

There is currently no automatic car available for recertification DDC06 courses with Sheida. We are looking to address this, but in the meantime, if you have a permit that is about to expire and you only hold an automatic licence, please email MSE15 to advise of the problem and your permit will be automatically extended until the problem is resolved.

Please note that an automatic transmission permit will not allow you to drive any manual vehicle.

Chris Evans
Senior Corp. Road Safety Advisor - MSE15

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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