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Second UN Global Road Safety Week – 6-12 May

The second UN Global Road Safety Week, 6-12 May 2013, is dedicated to pedestrian safety. Requested by the UN General Assembly, the week will draw attention to the urgent need to better protect pedestrians worldwide, generate action on the measures needed to do so, and contribute to achieving the goal of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 to save 5 million lives. Join the international community to ensure a fatality free week and a significant and long-lasting contribution towards making walking safe for all.

Please click here to find out more about Pedestrian Safety Week, including a tool kit for ways to promote pedestrian safety. We also wish to highlight a “Tip Sheet” from NETS’ 2011 Drive Safely Work Week campaign. Although written for a USA audience, the tips have universal applicability.

Please promote this important initiative within your teams and contractors. We encourage you to share this with family members, friends and the general public.

Just as drivers need to focus on driving safely, pedestrians need to focus on walking safely and without distractions.

Your Safety is Our Concern.
Road Safety Team (MSE/13)

Hamed Al-Esry
Senior Corporate Road Safety Advisor

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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