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Meet Mr Musleh
Meet Mr Musleh…. Musleh is an Arabic name which means a person who fixes things. Hi favorite quote is “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” As a company we want to greatly improve our ‘learning culture’ and Mr Musleh has joined the team to help engage our minds on safety and to take on board the lessons delivered to us from others’ errors, lapses or mistakes. As a company we want to greatly improve our ‘learning culture’ and Mr Musleh has joined the team to help engage our minds on safety and to take on board the lessons delivered to us from others’ errors, lapses or mistakes. You will see him appearing in our incident learning material as he aims to make our learning experience more engaging, interesting and, above all, memorable. He want to ensure that when we face the same hazard in the future, we might Stop, Think and Remember so as not to fall to the same problems as those that came before us. So please look out for Mr Musleh. He wants to help you fix your safety problems, capture your attention and jog your memory to keep you safe, today, tomorrow and every day after that. Mohamed Al-Salmani Corporate HSE Manager

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