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Behavior modification for Obesity Management
Behavior plays a significant role in weight management, modifying lifestyle behaviors that contributed to developing obesity is an effective way to treat the disease of obesity. Your lifestyle is the series of behaviors, habits and actions that you engage in day after day. These behaviors influence your mental and physical health, and can affect the way you gain and lose weight.
1. One of the main reasons people have trouble maintaining a healthy weight is because they return to former, unhealthy habits once they reach their weight goal. Focusing on long-term lifestyle changes instead of looking at a diet as a temporary phase can help you reach your weight loss goals, and stay there. 2. Your lifestyle includes seemingly small behaviors that can add up to have a large influence on your health. These may include: • The amount and type of food • The amount of water you drink • Your snacking habits • How you spend your free time • The amount of activity • The way you cope with and manage stress • Sleeping habits

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Health