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2021 2nd Alert LTI22 FAT02 vehicle overtaking a dust cloud and had head on collision with another tanker resulting in fatal injury to vehicle driver
On 03rd Oct’21 at 14:36:46Hrs in Mabrouk-Saih Rawl graded road the yellow plate vehicle was overtaking on a dust cloud and had a head on collision with the water tanker which was travelling from Mabrouk to Saih Rawl that resulted in a fatal injury to the driver and multiple fractures to the co-passenger. Why it happened/Finding : Use of non PDO Spec vehicle in PDO concession area. Overtaking in dust cloud Over speeding Use of Non-approved vehicle. Driver not trained to DDC. Unauthorized visit to PDO concession area.
Do not overtake in dust cloud Always ensure to use approved transportation for commuting Always comply with speed limit and follow defensive driving techniques Always follow company process when visiting the site

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety