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2022 2nd Alert Hipo#20 PAC pipe slipped out of elevator and dropped
The operation was POOH and Lay down 2-7/8” HT PAC Pipe (length 9.6m). The Driller raised the 2nd joint of 2-7/8” HT PAC pipe (weight - 156kg) , set slips and broke out the connection. As the Driller was raising the joint to lay down to the Catwalk, the 2-7/8” HT PAC pipe dislodged from the elevator causing the joint to fall to the Rig Floor from a height of approximately 1.2 m. Crew immediately secured the well and stopped the operation. Zone management was enforced. No injuries were sustained.
Ensure all pipes are visually inspected prior to use Ensure pipe tally requirements are completed and verified Ensure all inspection certificates are readily available Ensure SOPs are available and reviewed prior to task Ensure during all RIH / POOH 2-7/8’’ HT PAC pipe a X-Over is utilized as a secondary retention During RIH / POOH 2-7/8’’ HT PAC pipe, X-Over must be used as a secondary retention
No inspection of 2-7/8” HT PAC prior to RIH Zone management was in place The 2-7/8” HT PAC joint worn and undersized The 2-7/8” HT PAC joint had no identification number or markings Correct center latch Slip type elevators were being used SOP Not available for POOH 2-7/8” HT PAC No crossover used as secondary retention Pipe Tally requirements not followed

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety