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2023 2nd Alert Hipo#01 Driver lost control over vehicle and rolled over.
After delivering a part load of water at a Rig, a water tanker was travelling to deliver the remainder of water at the Rig camp. Whilst negotiating a left bend on the graded road, the driver lost control of the vehicles and swerved off the road where the vehicle rolled over. The Driver and helper escaped through passenger side door window. Employees from the Rig 49 camp witnessed the incident and came to their aid in a pick up vehicle. The driver and helper received first aid treatment before being sent to Yibal Clinic then Nizwa hospital before being discharged with minor injuries.
Always ensure you follow your defensive driver training Always ensure you drive at a speed according to the road condition Always ensure you report road hazard and escalate to concerned parties. Always ensure you use empowerment to stop if feels unsafe. Adjust your speed to the road conditions and type of load.
The driver was not driving as per the road condition TBT’s not being conducted with all drivers Inadequate road warning signs (Slippery Road & Speed Limit) and road maintenance Driver feedback was not escalated to the concerned parties.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety