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4" Drill Pipe Slips Dies Cause Stuck Pipe
After reaching TD for 8 1/2 inch. hole, POOH was carried out for running 5 1/2 inch Wire Wrapped Screens. During POOH, at 38 metres from surface, suddenly over pull was observed and the string was found to be stuck. With applied Right Hand rotation the string torqued up. Suspected drill string mechanically stuck by junk dropped into Well. During investigation it was discovered that two numbers of dies were missing from the 4 inch. drill pipe rotary slips ( SDML Type) that was in use as a temporary replacement of the Cavins spider slips.
Drill crew should be trained for carrying out `Fit for Purpose¿ inspection of equipment prior to use. Never use mixture of old and new dies in the slips. Pipe wiper must be installed at all times on Rig 1 (semiautomatic rig) while tripping.
Inadequate Equipment / The SDML Slips was damaged and new dies were installed along with the old dies already existing in the slips. Failure to Follow Procedure / Failure to use drill pipe wiper while POOH . Inadequate Inspection / Failure to carry out fit for purpose inspection of the slips prior to putting it in use.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety