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Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC) Poster

A standard Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC) was revamped in 2009 as part of Worksite Hazards Management (WHM) Project. TRIC is a simple card-based system for identifying risks in the workplace during a pre-job toolbox talk. It is intended to be used by supervisors on-site to encourage the active involvement of workforce to identify hazards and risks associated with the planned job. The TRIC is not a repeat of the Job HSE Plan (which focuses on the hazards associated with the activity). It is a location specific Risk Assessment tool, which focuses on the hazards at the worksite at the time the work is to be carried out. TRIC must be attached to any PTW application and it is fully embedded in PTW procedure as a mandatory requirement.

Below Poster explain how to use TRIC. TRIC is available as a stock item and can be ordered from all PDO stores (English version SAP # 1000999706; Arabic version SAP # 1001155247).

Category:Posters StickersDocument Type:Safety