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2019 Second Alert HiPo#10 Worksite MVI
On 7th of March 2019 at around 07:36 am, a tipper truck driver entered a well pad area for the purpose of offloading back filling material (Soil) for the up coming hookup job, which is opposite to the well pad area that required soil for backfilling activity. During maneuvering between the live well head cellar pit and the dumped soil not realizing he was in front of the cellar pit, the right side rear tire of the tipper truck drove over the cellar grating, which resulted in breaking of the cellar grating, causing the truck to get stuck in the cellar pit
Always ensure you have permit to work to enter live well head area. Always ensure you use a banksman Always ensure the driver familiar about the location Always ensure you have adequate supervision in place Always ensure you have valid permit to work in the live well head area

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety