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2019 Second Alert HiPo#16 DROPs
Operation was drilling 8 ½ section, while picking up the Kelly to connect the second joint, the air hose of Kelly spinner double-way manifold assembly (weight 10kg) became caught on one of the standpipe vibrator hose clamps at the mast leg. As the driller has not seen this entanglement, he continued hoisting up. As a result of this, the hose became under tension at 13 meters height. The hose stretched to the maximum level and by back force, the manifold dragged, broke from its plate at welding point and dropped down on rig floor in the off driller side near rotary table. Zone management was maintained on the rig floor at the time of incident.
Always consider right method of secondary retention and verify during inspection. Always secure properly all loose hoses after the rig move and before spud. Ensure that pre spud inspections checklists are fit for purpose. Rig floor crew must be vigilant and pay attention to traveling equipment in rig floor. Always look up when hoisting the Kelly

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety