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2019 Second Alert HiPo#15 DROPs
At approximately 17:00 hours on 26th of March 2019, the crew was picking up 4” heavy weight drill pipe from the catwalk to the Rig floor. Winch line was connected to the drill pipe which was centralized in the catwalk walk. When the floor man executed the lift by operating the winch, the drill pipe slid off the catwalk and dropped in to the ground approximately 1 meter. There were nobody in the vicinity of the catwalk.
Supervisors to ensure task hazards are identified and explained to the crew members. Always winch operator should pay attention while pick up /laydown pipe Always maintain good communication while operating winch . Ensure supervisors are providing effective supervision during critical weather conditions. Discuss all hazards in the TBT including weather conditions. Always respect the zone management Exercise empowerment to STOP unsafe work if the work condition is not safe Zone management save lives', Comply

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety