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2019 Second Alert HiPo#26 MVI RO commuting
On 1st of April, driver started trip from Muscat to Kauther 8. While driving on the express highway after the airport bridge and towards Batinah, a third party vehicle got very close to the vehicle from driver’s side. The driver while looking at the car sliding towards him, immediately honked horn to warn the other vehicle of the situation. After hearing the horn, the third party driver steered hard to the left then to the right hitting the vehicle on left side. the driver tried to avoid the collision by steering hard right, causing him to hit the cement barrier on the shoulder of the road and loose control of the vehicle causing roll over.
Avoid use of light vehicle for commuting crews on distances beyond 200 km. Compliance with SP-2000 requirements for commuting personnel is mandatory. Use of approved PDO bus reduces the risks of motor vehicle incidents for distances beyond 200 km.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety