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2021 2nd Alert HiPo18 Xmas tree fell from the trailer
On 5th March 2021 ,driver from a 3rd party contracted logistics supplier had just collected Xmas tree from the well head maintenance yard at Fahud .The vehicle was travelling on the Fahud to Lekhwair road and turned off towards Yibal, entering an ‘S’ bend junction. The junction has a left turn followed immediately by a right turn. As the prime mover with trailer was moving through the second bend, a ratchet type sling securing the Xmas tree on the trailer broke allowing the Xmas tree to fall off the side of the trailer, landing directly into the sand on the left side of the road
Always ensure to validate securing equipment is in good working condition Always ensure your driving speed is appropriate for the road conditions, even when within speed limits Always ensure drivers check the loads at appropriate times and in safe places along the route.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety