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2023 First Alert LTI#07 Fractured Finger
What happened: During the preparations for a rig move activity and while a Driller was operating the winch line to lift cellar pump, Floorman’s’ right hand finger got caught between the cellar pump and caller’s grating resulting in a fracture to his right-hand middle finger. Initial Findings: -Procedure was not followed properly by the Banksman and the Floorman. -The activity was unplanned and risk assessment was not conducted. -Floorman put his hand in the line of fire and pinch point area whilst the winch was operated.
-Do you ensure Mustaed engagement is effectively done prior the task ? -How do you ensure all crew members are aware of all the pinch points related hazards? -Do you always ensure that all activities are planned well before starting the task? -Do you ensure to use appropriate tools and equipment for the task?

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety