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2023 First Alert LTI#08 Fractured Leg
What happened: During the air pressure testing of 16” HDPE liner for a line section and while the PTW holder and Helper were attempting to carry out pressure verification check on the gauge attached to the manifold, the ball valve attached to the gauge suddenly failed and caused the manifold to detach and hit the Helpers’ left leg resulting in a fracture Initial Findings: -The whip lock arrestor between the test plug and manifold section was missing. -No support was provided for the manifold section during the air filling time. -Anchoring wasn’t done for the manifold section to prevent whipping in case of valve failure. -MTC or rating certificate were not available for the ball valve and the test plug.
-Do you ensure you aware of all pressure release hazards before starting the task? -How do you ensure using the correct rated tools, materials and fittings for the activity? -Do you ensure to follow the correct procedure before starting the task? -How do you ensure you intervene in case of unsafe condition?

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety