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2022 2nd Alert Hipo#52 Pig material stuck inside the flowline and while checking the stuck up pig suddenly released.
On 18-07-2022 at 11:00 am, Al Baraka Mechanical crew was engaged in pigging and gauging of the 6” new flowline section in HAZAR 54 area. The gauging plate was moving slowly in the line and team was trying to speed up the movement of the gauge plate by hitting the pipe using a wooden log. During this attempt, the gauge plate which was moving slowly at the last 90 degree bend, suddenly ejected out releasing the energy at the receiver end. Pipe shifted from the foundation and fell to the ground away from the crew. No Injury and asset damage was recorded.
Permit Holder shall always ensure that the line walk is carried out and confirm system is safe and ready to start. Permit Holder shall always ensure that pig receiver is installed prior to start of gauging activity Always follow the approved and related procedure Permit Holder shall always ensure effective communication and visual monitoring prior and during the pigging and gauging activity. Always follow the procedure - Never take shortcuts.
Line walk was not conducted to confirm system is safe and ready to start the activity Pig receiver was not fixed on the flowline. Gauging and pigging procedure was not followed. Ineffective communication and monitoring of the Permit holder.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety